If you’ve purchased a Voucher from a deal site for one of our Teeth Whitening Take-Home products you can redeem it here.
Just enter the voucher number into the box, and then we’ll ask you for your shipping information. If you purchased more than 1 kit, you need to redeem each one separately.
Depending on where you are located, it takes approximately 7-21 days from the time you redeem on our website to receive your order. We ship from Vancouver, WA.
It’s really easy, and you’ll be smiling in no time!

This is only an example of what your code may look like on your voucher (different browsers/apps will determine how your code will appear). Your redemption code will different.
Type the unique code that is printed on your voucher or found in your Groupon app or on the receipt.
Redemption codes ARE case sensitive.
Please copy and paste your redemption code or type it EXACTLY as shown on your Voucher into the box below.